(Photos Courtesy Of: Bennie Black of Black Tag Media)

Bennie Black: Yeah, we can do an interview. Off the record, though. But yeah, we can definitely do it.
B.Needam: Oh, No. This is definitely for a school related project. This interview is not affiliated with any party that I work with whatsoever. Let's get that clear.
Bennie Black: Ok, Cool.
B.Needam: Nontheless, we are here at the House of Blues in Dallas, Texas for the Wiz Khalifa and Friends Concert, and its about to go down real crazy tonight. Over 2,000 fans for this concert, and it was sold out in an hour. Amazing turn out. And I am here with the lead photographer for the whole Wiz Khalifa and J. Cole concert, my man Bennie Black of Black Tag Media. Bennie, its a Pleasure.
Bennie Black: What's Up,B! All man, the pleasure is all mine.
B.Needam: Everything is good with me! Bout to finish my masters, crazy concert about to go down, but let's get right into it. For a lot of people who don't know, give the readers a brief overview of yourself, and how you eventually migrated over into the photography scene.
Bennie Black: It's funny that you put it like that, because I was doing photography before I was doing rapping, producing or any of the things fans may be familiar with from me. So, really what it came down to is me wanting to get back into the film and photography field, because its a broader field with a longer industry lifespan, plus its another form of art and my creative expression. And honestly, In my opinion, its one of the best. As a photographer, you one of the only individuals that has complete creative control over the elements of the event or moment at that time. So if you even have more than one photographer, you are catching a glimpse of time at an angle that no one else will have, ever! And with that photo, as an artist, you are attached to that event for the rest of your life. That's a feeling that is hard to replicate in other art forms. Anybody can make a mixtape cover, and anyone can create a flyer. Not everyone can take a photo that is stuck in time.
B.Needam: That's a great analogy and response.
Bennie Black: Perfect example. The Notorious B.I.G., Jay-Z, and Tupac photo that was taken in the early 90's. Its all over the Internet; its in books. Most people do not know that the guy that took that photo wasn't paid for the event that night. So, now, after many years later, and Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. are deceased, and now Jay-Z is at the top of the pinnacle of the rap game, that picture is worth over an estimated $250,000. And he negotiated it in a way, moving forward that he always gets a chunk of whatever media outlet uses that photograph for their works. Whether its T.V., in a book, he is the owner of a work, that everyone is demanding in regards to the artist, yet no one else has.
B.Needam: So, in essence, you can create a whole career off of one picture in the photography industry?
Bennie Black: Definitely. But that is not the only reason I am in it. It is also for a love and a passion for something that you cannot replicate anywhere else.
B. Needam: Right. In addition to the photography, you are actually working on another mixtape to be distributed as well as a album that is projected to be pushed as a joint venture with 50 Cent's G-Unit/G-Unit South, as well as a couple distribution deals to have the album pushed nationwide in stores and on iTunes. Can you speak more about that, and as far as your musical influence, do you take that same approach that you do as a photographer into creating and making your music?
Bennie Black: You have to. Because you have to be completely mindful of the people that appeal to your music, and who want to support you. Or even individuals that have gone through the same things that you have in life. Those are situations where, in the music industry, you have to be mindful of this amongst other things. So, if and when I drop the album, it will be focused more on the fans, more than me. Some of the songs are memoirs about me, but the whole album is structured toward the fan base and what they desire from it. You always have to be mindful of who you are catering to in this industry. If not, your not going to sell, and no one will listen. 60% of the industry right now are not being played, because they are so worried about their image and not directly speaking to the fans, and being you. In addition to not being a business man or woman and pushing your creative vision and getting what you want out of your deals.
B. Needam: Its funny that you should mention that, because deal negotiation is one of the biggest things that we are discussing in my masters classes right now. What, can you say, is one of the biggest misconceptions about brokering deals, especially working within two facets of the industry, like yourself?
Bennie Black: The biggest thing that I noticed in alot of individuals trying to maneuver in this industry is that they don't believe nor know their own worth. I think, initially, going into a negotiation with major entertainment entities, or even collegue to colleauge, the average person gets intimidated by the other individuals title in the industry, whom they work for, or what they feel they already bring to the table in experience. I'm telling you, know your worth. 80% of people that you going into trying to establish an agreement with will try to get over on you, simply on the perception that they think that you are new to the game. That's why, no matter what level you are own, do your homework, know what direction and vision you are going for, and research things that are public domain, to have in your bag of weapons, to break up some of the fluff that some people will throw at you. People are more inclined to work with an individual who is knowledgble and insightful of the endeavors they are about to get into before hand, than someone who goes into a negotiation naked. Period!
B.Needam: Ok, so who important is it to stay focused on a objective criteria, to you?
Bennie Black: Aww Man, that's the most vital part. A lot of times, me personally, I am blending business as a photographer and graphic artist with individuals that I have previously have done work with or came in contact with musically. Naturally, because in the music lane, me and those individuals have a great rapport already, they assume that they can take the "buddy" approach to me as a lead photographer and designer, and get things done in a way to cut cost, or even at a discount. Again, this goes back to knowing your worth. I am big on maintaining good relationships, however, stressing the fact that we are still doing business, I am a business owner first, with Black Tag Media Dot Com, and a friend second. And friend or not, I am not about to shortchange my business, which is like my baby to me, because blacktagmedia is what feeds my baby, my son Avori, you know. So forcing people to stay focused on the objective criteria of the agreement or deal is the meat and potatoes of why were here in the first place. We can chop it up, and be friends after we tackle the business at hand. I always try to stay conscious of taking that approach at all times.
B. Needam: So, getting back to the photography, what can you say has been the the photography opportunity that solidified your career thus far?
Bennie Black: Honestly, I would say the Usher Concert thus Far. This concert [Wiz Khalifa, J.Cole] will definitely be in the running though. Then, I have Lil Wayne's "I am Music Tour", and Jay-Z with Kanye West's "Watch The Throne" Concert Tour as well, in Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Atlanta, and here in Dallas. I think once that happens, that will be the highlight. But, all in all, I am just blessed to have the opportunity to keep progressing with it. A lot of individuals don't realize that opportunities only come once in a lifetime, and if you don't jump on each and every opportunity, you are going to be stuck in the same place that you were yesterday. One of my favorite quotes of all time was by the singer Lloyd, and he said 'Last Week, I was at home, watching 106 and Park from my couch. Now, I'm on your couch!'. The only way that you can accomplish something like that in a week is to grind. You have to work for it, and take every chance and opportunity that you can to make it happen.
B.Needam: That is an interesting point. Because, even myself, I have noticed that so often within this industry, every one so pressed to be somebody, that they're always afraid to be themselves.
Bennie Black: [Jokingly] They're afraid to be euthenized by the critics. That's the thing. You shouldn't even be concerned with pleasing everybody in this industry. It can be 25 people in a room; 24 could like you, but then there is always that....
B.Needam: One person.
Bennie Black: [Winks]. Exactly.
At that time, a beautiful, caramel complexion goddess walks past, proceeds to fix and fit her dress, then looks back at us while she is walking away with her fellow lady friends. Me and Bennie Look at each other, and simultaneously laugh at what just happened. Then, Bennie suddenly frowns his face up.
Bennie Black: Damn Shame. I guess perception is everything nowadays.
B.Needam: With that being said, and what just happened, the influence of the media is that real, both in a positive and negative manner. You have all people, especially youth, that are allured by what they see on t.v. or in the media, even in photography. You are right about perception is everything now a days.
Bennie Black: Yeah! It's so true. You are right. Why I love having that kind of power in my hands, because it have the power to change that. One of mentors told me that working in the arts and media we have all the fuel we need to get anyone's attention. Its what you say, convey, or do to them once you have that attention that makes the difference. I choose to do something epic, and create a positive response around everything I shoot. Influence people to stretch their minds a bit, one picture at a time.
B.Needam: Well said. Anything you want to tell the world in addition, before we wrap up?
Bennie Black: Yeah, check out www.blacktagmedia.com, add me on Facebook- Bennie Black, and also follow me on Twitter @itsbennieblack. I definitely follow back, and am open to all questions, and business inquireies through all three platforms. Get at me, world.
B.Needam: I appreciate your time and insight Bennie, thanks again. Hoping to enjoy this show.
Bennie Black: No Problem, homie. I like your approach, man. You got a bright future ahead of you. Stay focused and in touch with me. We definitely can collab on some ventures together in the future.
B.Needam: I will. See you after the show. Enjoy the rest of the night.
With that, I left to go into the show, but everything that was said, will be forever etched in my mind. Its interesting how one conversation can open up so much more within a person and even answer the questions to which until then, went unanswered. Whether its great insight, or the perfect angle, Bennie definitely let me know that its all on your angle in life; and never be afraid to bring the angle you are on to the rest of the world.